Helping The Homeless


A homeless man told me the most startling story! Just ten years prior, he had been a successful entrepreneur with a number of burgeoning businesses. He was embarking on an ambitious expansion when the economy unexpectedly tanked in 2007-2008. Being precariously overleveraged at the time, he lost everything. 

Not only did he lose his businesses, but he also lost his home and eventually his family. 

Now he was living on the street. His demeanor suggested a man who was still intelligent, but beaten down by painful losses. We sat together for a while as I listened to his story. I offered encouragement as he wistfully spoke about trying to rebuild in some way. He said he appreciated having someone listen to him, and was grateful for a hot breakfast on that cold winter morning...

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Honestly, I have been inspired by meeting these homeless people. They are tough, tenacious and durable. It takes a lot to survive living on the streets during a Utah winter. I do not know how they do it.

Great people like Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and of course, Jesus have shown powerful examples by their charity, their love toward individuals who suffer. I am grateful for their ministry to the poor, the sick, the downtrodden. Each of their influences have been an inspiration to me as I have sought to find my own way to help. 

I hope my heart is genuinely changing in the process…

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"An empowering career guidebook wrapped around a personal retrospective. A professional how-to manual woven into a memoir."